109 South Highland Ave. Cheswick, PA 15024 Phone: 724-274-3221 - Fax: 724-274-4808 - Email: nick@nmsframes.com
  Additional Frames

Bottom Wrap Frame

  The screen wraps around the bottom of the frame and allows for auditorium exits under the screen. Can be straight or curved.  

  M2 Frame: Large format frame used for heights exceeding 35 feet. Depending on the frame width, there can be 8 to 12 verticals. Each vertical is a ladder-type design which allows easy access to the top of the frame.
Flex Frame: All verticals can adjust within the frame to provide variable spacing between each section, if desired. Can be straight or curved, front-laced, bottom-wrap or full wrap-around. The ladder type verticals allow access to the top of the frame, and can also be used to hold speakers.
M3-A Frame: Constructed of light-weight aluminum, the M3-A can be flown or hung. It can be fabricated as a truss-type design for large size frames.